Posted November 6, 2014
ITMA 2015, of course, is a year away. That may seem like a long way off, but now is the time to begin planning your trip and your marketing efforts, if you haven’t done so already. One of the top 10 largest trade shows in the world, the exhibition of textile machinery already has 1,380 exhibitors from 47 countries booked. Organizers of the show, slated for November 12-19 at Fiero Milano Rho, recently added an 11th hall in response to rapidly growing exhibitor interest.
Hotel rooms are filling up in Milan, and already steep prices may rise the longer you wait. Wednesday, I attended the American Textile Machinery Association’s (ATMA) annual board meeting at Argus Fire Control in Charlotte, where the trade fair was discussed. As a longtime supporting organization of the quadrennial show, ATMA is offering several hotel options for exhibitors and attendees. The Milan-based Ventana Group, the official ITMA-appointed housing service, has blocked space at the hotels for U.S. and Canadian participants. Rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and the room block hold will expire at some point. Just as at ITMA 1995, rooms in Milan will become difficult to obtain the closer we get to the event. Click here for more information.
If you’re exhibiting, it’s also time to begin considering promotional activities related to the show. You probably have some cool new products, services and solutions to present to a worldwide audience at Fiero Milano Rho and, as you know, attracting potential customers at these expansive, multi-hall events can be difficult. With that in mind, please indulge me for a moment as I mention how eTextileCommunications.com can help raise awareness of and excitement for your company and goods. In just seven months of existence, our e-newsletter subscriber base has more than quadrupled, from 400 to nearly 1,800. The weekly e-newsletter, of course, serves primarily to point eyeballs to our website, which is now attracting more than 1,400 hits per week from around the globe – and growing exponentially. With such traffic and interest in our content, and the way we present it in a dynamic, interactive fashion, we’re certain the eTC brand is reaching many of the industry’s decision makers in the U.S. and beyond. That said, I would love to talk to you about creating an advertising program to enhance your marketing efforts next year, especially as it relates to ITMA. But that goes for any of you, exhibiting at the show or not, who is interested in raising your company profile to the “right” people.
Oh, and on a related note, through my parent company (Steele Media Group LLC), I’m also available to assist on other projects such as refreshing your website, writing press releases, writing company histories, copywriting, creating marketing materials such as brochures and slideshows, as well as photography. It may be something to consider as you continue to look for ways to stand out and boost your visibility in this very competitive industry. If you’re interested in discussing, please contact me here.
Sorry to digress, but I wanted to put that info in your mind as you plan for 2015 – which, I’m hearing, will get only better for the reinvigorated U.S. textile industry. As for ITMA, let me add that the exhibition always has been one of the most exciting events to cover. It’s a lot of hard work and long days, but being among swaths of such fine professionals and seeing all the new innovations gives me a big-time adrenaline rush and makes me extra excited to report these activities.
The countdown clock for ITMA 2015 has begun. Let's get going.
Time to start planning your ITMA trip, promotion

Board members of the American Textile Machinery Association on hand for their annual meeting this week include (L-R) Mike Viniconis, ATMA past chairman and president, Argus Fire Control; Clay Tyeryar, CAE, ATMA president and assistant treasurer; Will Motchar, ATMA chairman and president, Navis Global LLC; and Allen Moore, president, R.A. Moore and Associates.