Blogs (Archived)

Posted March 31, 2014
Last week was a perfect week to launch eTC (eTextileCommunications.com) – and it wasn’t picked randomly. I intentionally picked the kickoff week to coincide with the National Council of Textile Organization’s (NCTO) Annual Meeting, when the lion’s share of industry leadership was to convene in one place.
That would give me the chance to launch with a bang, with coverage strongly devoted to the industry’s largest lobbying organization. Plus, armed with a hot-off-the-press business card, it would give me a chance to reacquaint myself with these leaders and their suppliers, as well as meet new ones.
Both of those things happened, and I was pleased – extremely pleased – with the reception I received, particularly after I advised those who didn’t already know what was doing. Nary a naysayer pooh-poohed the concept, which I half expected. When I introduced myself as the official purveyor of the new website, eTextileCommunications.com, I literally (well, almost) saw ears perk up. Most seemed interested in hearing about my goals in creating the site, and many offered, “let me know how I can help you.” That meant more to me than I can express, and certainly added further validation to why I started eTC.
But what really felt terrific was being in the company of textile industry folk again. You know your brethren are the finest people in the world. Just good people. And to be among the men and women who have fought this industry’s battles and claimed the battle scars and T-shirts – but are still standing – is super encouraging.
One thing I particularly noticed different from the last time I covered the NCTO Annual Meeting five years ago was the unity, harmony and organization on display. These leaders obviously have continued to learn the value of working together for a common goal, as well how to mobilize and fight for what’s right for this industry and this country. It very much showed, I’m happy to report.
And during the meeting, I sensed a general feeling of optimism – something the industry deeply lacked in 2009 – and that sense was confirmed when I chatted with a number of NCTO members.
Which is another validation point for eTC’s mission. In meeting with industry representatives prior to launch, a common theme I heard was: We need someone telling our good news stories. And: We need all the help we can get telling the general public that textiles is not dead and, in fact, has been a major factor in high-tech innovation, invests heavily in its business and communities and is the third largest textile exporter in the world.
So, to reiterate a point from last week, one reason we’re here is to tell your good stories to you and to the wider populace. And I feel all the more encouraged about doing that after the positive feedback I received at the NCTO event.
Thanks for your kind words of encouragement and support during the week. Please continue to feed me your good news, and I’ll be happy to tell it anyone who’ll read it – especially any naysayers who happen to be in our midst.