Get to know us.
Let's work together to advocate for our industry.
eTC (eTextileCommunications.com) is dedicated to providing valuable, high-quality information that our readers, advertisers and sponsors find beneficial, reliable and unique in the new media realm. We seek to provide insight into issues affecting the global textile industry; to offer a forum for discussion and feedback; and to create a community network of industry professionals.
The website is updated daily (or as news breaks), and readers can opt-in to receive a weekly e-newsletter containing highlights of all new content on the website during the previous week.
Benefits to readers
Unique content. eTC’s content is highly engaging, informative, relevant and fresh and encourages repeat visits for frequent updates. Content derives from a number of sources around the world and, in many cases, is exclusive to the brand.
Community. eTC is building a strong community of like-minded textile industry leaders and contributors who seek information relevant to their businesses. Direct communication is solicited and fostered between readers, advertisers and sponsors, allowing for exchange of information, feedback and commentary. Providing a community experience is a differentiator for eTC.
Benefits to advertisers and sponsors
Readership. eTC (eTextileCommunications.com) targets and captures readers and click-throughs with a number of marketing strategies.
Global distribution. The site’s unique Internet viewing experience provides advertisers and sponsors with a cost-effective and efficient method of marketing their products and services to a global audience. Through targeted and global marketing efforts, the company expects to reach unique and qualified audiences worldwide.
Customized packages/frequency discounts. Each advertising/sponsorship package is catered to the needs of the advertiser’s and sponsor’s marketing and sales objectives. Options within custom packets include target-specific editions, feature articles and premiere space.
Devin Steele brings more than 25 years of international textile industry media experience to his role as proprietor and editor of eTC. His knowledge, expertise and resources are invaluable differentiators.