Posted June 9, 2015
GASTONIA, N.C. – Scott Gutche, director of U.S. manufacturing for Walmart, Bentonville, Ark., is among speakers slated to address the Southern Textile Association (STA)/Joint Fiber Buyers Annual Meeting next week in Hilton Head Island, S.C.
STA’s 107th Annual Meeting will take place in conjunction with the Fiber Buyers, a group co-managed by the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), the South Carolina Manufacturers Alliance (SCMA) and the Georgia Association of Manufacturers (GAM).
The meeting will take place under the theme, “The Renaissance of the U.S. Textile Industry … An Industry Vital to the U.S.,” and speakers are aligned around that topic.
Presentations include:
"Our Industry – Sustaining the Renaissance," by Luc Tack, CEO of textile machinery supplier Picanol Group, Ypres, Belgium;
"Cotton – Sharing in the Renaissance?" by Anthony Tancredi, president of Allenberg Cotton Company, Memphis;
"Washington – Helpful or Harmful to the Renaissance," by Gary Adams, president & CEO of the National Cotton Council of America, Memphis; and
"OOBE – Capitalizing on the Renaissance," by Mike Pereyo, co-founder and co-CEO of apparel maker OOBE, Inc., Greenville, S.C.
Steve Epps Lifetime Service Award
During the meeting, STA leadership will present the inaugural Steve Epps Lifetime Service Award, which honors those who have been a member of the STA for 20 years or more who are retiring or have retired and have served the association in many capacities of leadership and service. Epps, a WWII veteran, served as president of STA in 1985-86 and remained an active member of STA until his death in 2010.
H. Doyle Kidd, retired vice president of purchasing for Greenwood Mills, Greenwood, S.C., will receive the award. He served as the president of the association in 1997-98.
David Clark Award
Russell W. Mims Jr. of Buhler Quality Yarns Corporation, Jefferson, Ga., will be presented the David Clark Award for distinguished leadership and service to the STA.
Mims served as president of the association in 2004-05 and as chairman 2005-06.
Steve Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Meanwhile, the inaugural Steve Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship will be presented by the STA. Brown died in December after serving the association for many years. He finished his career at ITEMA America after working at Picanol of America for an extended period.
Brown’s widow and daughter will be on hand for the presentation.
Judson Boehmer, president of La France Division of Mount Vernon Mills, La France, S.C., has served as STA president this past year. At the meeting, he is expected to be succeeded by Todd Weymss, plant manager of Glen Raven Custom Fabrics’ Norlina, N.C. facility.
Also in line to move up in the rotation are: Mike Kingsmore, Palmetto Finishing LLC, Easley, S.C., first vice president; and Carson Copeland, Valdese
Groups ready for business, networking (and sun, too)

Weavers, LLC, Valdese, N.C., second vice president. Andrew Barker of Matrix Yarns, Inc., Charlotte, N.C., is expected to be named member-at-large.
Lillian Link serves as longtime secretary/treasurer of the STA.
More than 250 industry representatives, spouses and guests are expected to attend the meeting.

Harbour Town on Hilton Head Island, S.C. (Photo by Devin Steele)