Kidd to be honored with inaugural Epps award

Posted June 9, 2015
H. Doyle Kidd, retired vice president of purchasing for Greenwood Mills, Greenwood, S.C., will be awarded the inaugural Steve Epps Lifetime Service Award during the Southern Textile Association’s (STA’s) 107th Annual Meeting at Hilton Head Island, S.C., next week.
The award honors STA members who have been a member of STA for 20 years or more, are retiring or have retired and have served the association in many capacities of leadership and service. Recipients are selected by vote of the STA’s Board of Governors.

Steve Epps
Epps served as president of STA in 1985-86 and remained an active member of STA until his death in 2010. A WWII veteran, he parachuted onto the coast of Normandy during the allied invasion.
Kidd served as president of STA in 1997-98. Prior to his presidency, he was chairman of the South Carolina Division and served on the Executive Committee for five years before he became president of the association in 1997. He served on the STA Summer Marketing Forum Planning Committee from its beginning in 2003 and continued to serve until his retirement from Greenwood Mills this year.
Kidd received the David Clark Award in 2008 and continues to serve on the Board of Governors as an ex-officio member.
A native of Abbeville, S.C., Kidd graduated from Southern Wesleyan University with a B.S. in management. He also graduated from Piedmont Technical College with an Associates of Applied Science in industrial engineering.
Kidd began his career as an industrial engineer with Federal Pacific Electric in Edgefield, S.C. From there he went to Jackson Mills in Iva, S.C., as an industrial engineer. In 1974, he joined Greenwood Mills as an industrial engineer and worked there until his retirement.
During his career at Greenwood Mills, he worked as an industrial engineer, special projects engineer, special projects manager and manager of Greige Plant Industrial Engineers. Kidd held his last position since 1988.
Kidd and his wife, Rebecca, reside in Abbeville, S.C., and have one son, Derek.

Doyle Kidd speaks during an STA function.

Doyle Kidd asks a question during STA's 100th Annual Meeting.

Bob Brownlee presents Doyle Kidd STA's David Clark Award several years ago.

Doyle Kidd speaks during an STA function.