Posted June 9, 2015
Editor’s note: Following is a Q&A with Judson Boehmer, outgoing president of the Southern Textile Association (STA) and president of the La France Division of Mount Vernon Mills, Mauldin, S.C. Boehmer is expected to hand over the gavel to Todd Weymss at STA’s 107th Annual Meeting next week at Hilton Head Island, S.C.
eTC: Judson, in accepting the nomination for president last summer, you told STA members, “I look forward to this year. I’m exciting about continued growth. As others have said today, let’s get out there, push for STA and let’s see continued growth going into next year.” Has the year lived up to your hopes in terms of growth? And what are STA’s membership numbers these days, and how does that compare to a year ago at this time?
Boehmer: Yes, the year has definitely lived up to my expectation in which we’ve seen 5 percent growth starting this year, with 467 paying members and finishing up at 494 paying members.
Boehmer: Holding president’s gavel a ‘distinct honor’

eTC: How has STA sought to add new members, especially of the younger generation?
Boehmer: Our emphasis this year to recruit new members was focused on enhancing the quality of our sessions and reaching out to non-traditional parts of the industry to encompass a broader makeup to include both smaller and medium-size companies, be it actual manufacturing companies or a sub-supplier to the industry.
eTC: What were some of STA’s other accomplishments this past year?
Boehmer: I feel that STA, through the strong support of our member companies, accomplished not only sustainable growth, but by changing the format and focusing on enrichment and marketing opportunities for it members and suppliers, we saw an overall satisfaction improvement at the different venues with a wide range of speakers.
eTC: What was the highlight of the year, in your opinion?
Boehmer: There was no one highlight for 2015 that stands out in my mind. Overall, it was the hard work that Steve (Brown), Matt (Shannon) and Andrew (Barker) put forth on the Divisional meetings to step up the quality and quantity of what STA offers to the industry. The support of both the Divisional Planning Committees to get it done through a team effort with common contacts outside of our industry and the diversity and knowledge base, both the Winter Technical and Summer Marketing seminars, had to offer our members made this a truly well-rounded year, in my mind.
Judson Boehmer
eTC: You recently mentioned at a divisional meeting how excited you are to be in the textile industry these days. Has your passion and enthusiasm for this industry effervesced with the board and STA members?
Boehmer: I think there is a level of excitement returning to the industry as we see “reshoring” becoming a more common word and new companies starting to make capital investments back on U.S. soil and traditional companies talking about expansion in existing and new markets. One of the main selling points in becoming involved with STA was the passion and positive attitude the senior leaders of STA and the board brought to the table and helped teach/motivate me to strive for positive improvement and success. My hope is to use what they taught me in past years to help recruit the next generation of STA members.
eTC: No man is an island, especially within the leadership ranks of STA, so tell us about the work of the board, officers and staff this year in making your job easier and keeping the organization sailing along as a valued organization within this industry.
Boehmer: When you have a team as strong STA and the commitment of its board members, its makes any leadership role run like a well-oiled machine. With guidance of Randy (Blackston), Ed (Cox) and Ken (Rada) over the past three years and the addition of Todd (Weymss), Mike (Kingsmore) and Carson (Copeland) as officers, my role as president this year has been a blessing. As always, (Secretary/Treasurer) Lillian Link keeps the organization moving by making sure all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed and we are truly fortunate to have such a hardworking and dedicated individual in such an important role.
eTC: In what ways is STA helping members professionally, especially as it relates to educational and networking opportunities?
Boehmer: In today’s textile and related industry environment it is essential to establish and maintain good networking connections, both domestically and on an international basis. STA provides and fosters that environment with our seven meetings a year spread across the Carolinas in great venues with top-notch presentations on every aspect of our businesses, be it of a technical, human resource, trade or marketing backgrounds.
eTC: Any parting words for the association as you prepare to hand over the gavel?
Boehmer: In parting I would like to thank the leadership of STA, both directed toward the senior members on the board and the officers I’ve worked with in past. I have been very fortunate to be given the opportunity to serve in the role of president in 2014-15 and it has been a very educational and a distinct honor to hold this position. My hope in moving forward is to continue to bring something to the table at STA and foster a great environment for the industry for years to come.