Posted February 8, 2016
WHITEVILLE, NC – Columbus County, N.C., commissioners approved an economic development incentive grant for more than $41,000 for Shodja Textiles, d/b/a Whiteville Fabrics last week, according to reports.
The company, which has operated in the county for more than 15 years, has constantly upgraded and expanded the operation, which produces high-quality knit fabrics.
Whiteville Fabrics added about 15 positions in the last year to bring its employment rolls to around 15 people and expects to add at least another 15 over the next year, it said.
The company recently purchases a 130,000-square-foot facility here to handle its expansion needs, according to reports.
“The Shodja family has created an industrial operation that anyone would be proud of right here in Columbus County,” Director of Economic Development Commission Gary Lanier, told WECT. “They knit high-quality fabrics that are used in the automotive industry, filtration fabrics used in the water purification sector, fabrics used in the carpet industry, fabrics used in the apparel industr, and other fabrics used in applications too numerous to list.”
Source: Media outlets and staff reports
Incentive grant approved for Shodja Textiles/Whiteville Fabrics