The company also showed its new MDS1 ring spinning frame, available in lengths of 1824 spindles. This ring-spinning frame is available with the new Marzoli compact spinning system Mac3000.
Marzoli also introduced its new CM7 comber capable of reaching speeds of 600 nips/minute (approximately 85 kg/hr) while still utilizing the traditional heavy cast frame and nipping system that Marzoli customers have come to depend on.
“All phases of our new product development – design, development, production and utilization – are driven by Marzoli’s efforts to create and offer equipment with low energy consumption, thereby preserving scarce resources and reducing the use of harmful substances,” Romanstine said. “Our goal has been to reduce the environmental impact of our productive processes during all phases of the equipment life cycle.”
With Marzoli’s factory in Palazzolo only 80 kilometers from Milan, the company was able to give customers plant tours to view its new lean manufacturing model.
“I think that was very helpful in portraying Marzoli as a company that is here to stay,” Romanstine said. “And we have already logged 160 years in this industry!”
Posted December 22, 2015
By Devin Steele (DSteele@eTextileCommunications.com)
MILAN – Gary Romanstine, sales director of Marzoli International, Spartanburg, S.C., the U.S. arm of Italy-based short-staple spinning machinery supplier Marzoli, called ITMA “very positive” and “energetic” for machinery suppliers in general.
“Our booth was swamped with customers from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mexico and Asia,” he said. “The turnout was exceptional and translated into sales to customers from Argentina, Turkey and Uzbekistan – although I was a little disappointed in the number of U.S. companies that were not present.”
Romanstine added that Marzoli management did an outstanding job of presenting the company as being focused on the future by introducing its own roving transport system, as well as the innovative Marzoli Remote Maintenance System and its central mill management system YarNet.
Marzoli also showed its new C701, a 1.5 meter card, with production rates in excess of 270 kg/hr for certain applications and which takes up the same floor space as its previous 1 meter card. The company’s FT60 and FT70 roving frames with flyer drive gearboxes removed reduce the machine decibel level significantly and is available in lengths of 224 spindles.
ITMA 2015
Marzoli show impression: ‘Positive’ and ‘energetic’

Among Marzoli representatives are (L-R) Alberto Signorelli, Nicolo Lussono, Renato Ghilardi and Vincenzo Mazzoleni.

Marzoli's factory in Italy

A Marzoli spinning frame

Among Marzoli representatives are (L-R) Alberto Signorelli, Nicolo Lussono, Renato Ghilardi and Vincenzo Mazzoleni.