“Compared to the previous ITMA in Barcelona, there seemed to be many more serious inquiries spending more time to learn the specifics of each machine,” said Matthew Llewellyn, vice president of New Jersey-based Shima Seiki USA. “This was especially true with our P-CAM cutting system and SIP direct to garment printer, along with our lineup of WHOLEGARMENT 3D knitting machines.”
The flagship machine was the new MACH2XS, which featured the company's original SlideNeedle™ on four needle beds.
The SHIMA SEIKI booth – all 650+ square meters of it – was packed with innovations in machinery, knitted examples and proposals for business models. During eTC’s visits, the stand buzzed with activity from visitors – including many from the U.S.
“We were pleased and surprised to see many U.S. companies at the event, especially retailers and clothing labels,” Llewellyn said. “I felt this was a positive sign that these companies are seeking new methods of manufacturing or considering domestic production alternatives to conventional imported commodity items.”
Posted December 15, 2015
By Devin Steele (DSteele@eTextileCommunications.com)
MILAN – Japan-based Shima Seiki returned to a familiar city to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of its WHOLEGARMENT knitting technology.
At 1995 here, the company launched the world's first WHOLEGARMENT knitting machine and marked the milestone at this year’s ITMA under the slogan "Innovation Coming of Age."
“It was launched with a lot of fanfare in 1995,” Mikasi Karasuno, a member of the Planning Group in the company’s Total Design Center, told eTC during the show. “The media called it ‘the magic of the Orient.’ WHOLEGARMENT was way ahead of its time. And we have made a lot of improvements in the last two decades. It was appropriate that it was introduced in Milan, the knit fashion capital of the world, and we have returned here.”
For the first at ITMA, Shima Seiki displayed the SIP160F3 direct-to-garment printer and the P-Cam fabric-cutting machine. Also displayed for the first time were the latest additions to the WHOLEGARMENT 3D knitting machinery featuring a spring sinker system to create more knitting capability and reducing waste and knitting time.
ITMA 2015
Shima Seiki celebrates 20 years of WHOLEGARMENT

Shima Seiki USA reps include (L-R) Michelle Letendre, Kady Gray, Matt Llewellyn, Saraa Green and Sam Ming Leung.

The Shima Seiki stand covered more than 850 square meters.

Shima Seiki USA reps include (L-R) Michelle Letendre, Kady Gray, Matt Llewellyn, Saraa Green and Sam Ming Leung.