Hulya Demirci and Ahmet Demirci are on hand in the Demsan stand.
Posted December 15, 2015
By Devin Steele (DSteele@eTextileCommunications.com)
MILAN – Visitors from around the world stopped by Demsan’s booth to see its newly designed double-folding and double/double-folding/rolling machines, in particular, said a company representative.
The new designs, oriented to achieve the exit of fabric in three different forms through one inlet, gained great appreciation of the visitors, the spokesperson said.
Other machines for single-folding, double-folding, inspection, packaging and double/double folding applications, along with plaiting machines, also drew intense attention of the visitors, the rep added.
“Our stand was full of customers who came from many different countries – such as Germany, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Morocco, Egypt and Pakistan – with great interest and, consequently, new contracts have been made,” the staffer said.
Demsan, based in Bursa, Turkey, is a 37-year-old, family-owned company that employees about 35 people, including six engineers.
ITMA 2015
Demsan welcomes visitors from around world