BTSR highlighted its rolling feeding control technology and its yarn storage feeding technology. The company launched UNIFEEDER2, an innovative solution drastically overcoming the state-of-art of yarn storage feeding technology and destined to dramatically impact socks, hosiery and knitting textile sectors, the company said.
A new concept multi-patented system features the new concept “Yarn Anti-twist
System” and guarantees a total combined yarn feeding and storage control, thus representing the first “positive storage” feeder concept introduced on the market, BTSR said.
The company also highlighted its ROLLING FEEDER, a revolutionary new concept device for bare elastomers feeding control. It is devised to impact seamless and knitting sector habits and trends tied to bare elastomers applications.
ROLLING FEEDER is a unique solution in the market, thanks to its capability to combine in a single device the flexibility and user-friendly use of BTSR constant tension feeding technology with product quality, resulting from bare elastomeric yarns feeding at constant LFA/speed (BTSR® patent), according to the company.
Combined with ULTRAFEEDER devices (MASTERs) installed on the machine for background yarns feeding control, ROLLING FEEDER (SLAVEs) are able to work at a constant “stretch ratio,” thus guaranteeing a fully automatic constant yarn feeding/stretching and top quality repeatability, BTSR said.
ROLLING FEEDER is designed to enhance operators’ working life by minimizing and simplifying labor operations, thus guaranteeing the most demanding production efficiency goals achievement and getting the top quality production, the manufacturer said.
“The interest level was phenomenal for each of the items shown,” Yates said.
Next year, BTSR plans to offer a new type of wireless interface HMI pads that will allow users to connect remotely to every system they have, Yates added. Systems include stop motions, quality monitoring and feeders.
Posted December 9, 2015
By Devin Steele (DSteele@eTextileCommunications.com)
MILAN – A staff member from PAF Sales, Inc., the Greensboro, N.C.-based North American representative for Italy-based BTSR International S.p.A, said he could not be happier with ITMA.
“The show was very well attended by U.S. customers,” said Scott Yates, PAF’s general manager. “I was very pleased. The return on investment from sending three people (from PAF) will be obtained quickly.”
Overall, the quality of visitors to the BTSR booth was also extraordinary, he added.
“From my experience, I saw the decision makers for each of my customers,” said Yates, who said he saw mostly visitors from the Eastern U.S. “It seemed like they came on a mission. Each one had an agenda. They knew why they were there. I would say 90 percent of the visitors I saw concluded a future project with me upon our return.”
eTC can attest that during stops to the BTSR booth, traffic inside was heavy.
ITMA 2015
PAF Sales: Decision makers abundant in BTSR stand

At the BTSR stand are (L-R) James Stubblefield of BTSR, Scott Yates of PAF Sales, Tiziano Barea of BTSR and Mark Mezger of Mezger, Inc.

Visitors check out BTSR's latest technology.

At the BTSR stand are (L-R) James Stubblefield of BTSR, Scott Yates of PAF Sales, Tiziano Barea of BTSR and Mark Mezger of Mezger, Inc.