Karl Mayer exhibited products from all three business units – warp knitting, weaving preparation and technical textiles. Highlights particularly interesting to the U.S. market included an innovative, patented new sizing box, a development that will show real savings and payback in comparison to systems currently in use, Hooimeijer said.
A key innovation is the way the size is applied, reducing the use of sizing liquor and consequently reducing energy used to dry, he added.
In addition, in weaving preparation, a wider version (3,600mm) of the company’s short-run warper (also available in 2,200mm), working from a 64-end creel, was also displayed. Also on show was a new generation of high-capacity (length and tension) sectional warpers with advanced creel tensioners (“Multitens” individual tension control of each yarn end).
In warp knitting, a four-bar tricot machine with advanced electronic patterning control is of interest to the U.S. market, Hooimeijer said.
“On this machine we also showed beams produced with a new knitting warper that can produce striped beams,” he said. “It is also is ideal for short warps and especially product development because it includes an intermediate sectional warper and can make a knitting beam using a small creel/low number of yarn packages.”
In the reception area, located in the center of the stand, videos demonstrating various textile applications streamed across the walls and ceiling.
“We were very proud of our stunning booth that included a strong application focus in addition to the machines we showed,” Hooimeijer said.
Posted December 9, 2015
By Devin Steele (DSteele@eTextileCommunications.com)
MILAN – Germany-based Karl Mayer GmbH, which featured one of the most aesthetically pleasing stands at ITMA, enjoyed a high-traffic, successful show, according to the president of Karl Mayer North America.
“Our booth was very, very busy all the time with visitors from all over the world,” said Tony Hooimeijer. “The very active markets seemed to be Europe, with Italy as No. 1, of course, along with Turkey, India and adjacent South-Asian countries. But we also had a steady stream of visitors from the Americas, North and South.”
Visitors from 77 countries stopped by the Karl Mayer display, with the top five “serious” guests hailing from India, Italy, Turkey, Germany and the U.S., according to the company.
The quality of North American visitors was “very good,” Hooimeijer reiterated. “They were mainly customers we already know, of course, who all showed very serious interest in our innovations. Also the U.S. brands – especially athletic apparel – were very well represented. They always show a high level of interest in our new products and also our customer relations, always looking for ways to innovate their products and find ways to manufacture in USA.”
ITMA 2015
Karl Mayer welcomes visitors from 77 countries

Tony Hooimeijer (third from left) meets with U.S. visitors from Owens Corning.

Matt Carter (L) of Karl Mayer North America and Martin Kueppers of Karl Mayer Group

Videos stream in the reception area.

Tony Hooimeijer (third from left) meets with U.S. visitors from Owens Corning.