Posted December 7, 2016
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – AATCC's Moisture Management Workshop will provide an overview of the performance technology associated with moisture management and discuss the test methods needed to evaluate your products’ performance claims.
The workshop is slated for February 8-9, 2017.
Industry experts will share information regarding customer expectations as well as data interpretation from standard and customized tests.
If you are responsible for product evaluation, specifications and quality control for apparel and textile materials, this workshop is designed for you. The two-day program will consist of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on participation.
Industry experts will discuss the following topics:
Customer Expectations – Justin Coates, Cotton Incorporated;
AATCC TM195 Liquid Moisture Management Properties of Textile Fabrics – John Crocker, SDL Atlas;
AATCC TM200 Drying Rate of Textiles at their Absorbent Capacity: Air Flow Method and AATCC TM201 Drying Rate of Fabric: Heated Plate Method – Keith Blood, Thermetrics;
Breathability Test Methods: What They Mean and How They Relate to Human Thermal Comfort – Emiel DenHartog, Textile Protection and Comfort Center (TPACC), College of Textiles, North Carolina State University;
AATCC TM204 Water Vapor Transmission of Textiles: Method Overview and Recommended Applications – Jim Hollenbeck, REI; and
Moisture Management: Customized versus Standard Testing to Support Product Development and Claims – Haskell Beckham, Exponent.
In addition to the above presentations the AATCC technical staff will discuss and demonstrate the following AATCC test methods:
TM79 Absorbency of Textiles;
TM197 Vertical Wicking of Textiles;
TM198 Horizontal Wicking of Textiles; and
TM199 Drying Time of Textiles: Moisture Analyzer Method.
Individual and corporate AATCC members registering on or before January 24 pay $705 ($1,049 for nonmembers) and will include luncheons, breaks and a copy of all available presentations. After January 24, the registration fee increases to $755 for AATCC members and $1,099 for nonmembers.
Refunds will be honored if cancellations are received on or before January 24. A $75 cancellation fee will be charged. No refunds will be given after January 24.
Attendance is limited so early registration is encouraged. The program will be held at the AATCC headquarters in Research Triangle Park, N.C. Overnight accommodations are available at the Hotel Indigo, 151 Tatum Drive, Durham, N.C. 27703, at +1.919.474.3000. Contact the hotel directly and request the AATCC group rate of $109/night. The group rate will be available until January 22, or until the group block is sold out, whichever comes first. Once the room block is filled the group rate will not be honored.
For additional details and to register, please click here.
Source: AATCC
AATCC workshop to cover moisture management testing