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Posted December 6, 2018
WINTERTHUR, Switzerland – The Board of Directors of Rieter Holding AG has appointed Rico Randegger to the Group Management of the Rieter Group, effective June 1, 2019. He will be responsible for the business group After Sales.
Randegger began his career as a commissioning engineer at SIG Pack Systems AG. After holding various positions, including in the USA, he headed Bosch Packaging Services AG in Beringen, Switzerland from 2010 to 2014.
He is currently responsible for the product group Liquid Food of Bosch Packaging Technology in Königsbrunn, Germany.
He will take over the management of the business group After Sales from Carsten Liske, who will head the business group Machines & Systems from January 1, 2019. In the period from January 1 to May 31, CEO Norbert Klapper will be responsible for After Sales on an interim basis.
Randegger was born in 1973 and is a Swiss citizen. He is married and has three children.
Source: Rieter
Rieter appoints Randegger to head After Sales group