projects with the industry. Hence, we are happy to support exhibitors in the pavilion with the CEMATEX grant. To date, we have over 30 exhibitors from 13 countries which will be using the ITMA platform to showcase their projects and capabilities, and to explore collaborations with exhibitors and visitors from all over the world.”
Among the institutions which will be participating in ITMA 2015 is the N.C. State University College of Textiles. Melissa Sharp, Business Development coordinator of Zeis Textiles Extension at the college, said, "Besides showcasing our research capabilities as the leading U.S. textile college, we will gain quality contacts at ITMA 2015 as it attracts the global textile and garment industry leaders. The exhibition is the international platform for research and educational institutes to get in front of potential partners looking to invest in latest state-of-the-art innovations from around the world.”
The R&E Pavilion will feature a Speakers Platform for participating institutes to present their latest projects. A technical committee has been formed to select presentations.
The committee consists of:
Dr. Jeroen Vits, secretary general, Belgian Textile Machinery Association (SYMATEX), Belgium (chairman);
Prof. Vladan Koncar, director of Research, GEMTEX, gead of Research, ENSAIT, France;
Prof. Thomas Gries, director, Institut für Textiltechnik, RWTH Aachen University, Germany;
Prof. Takeshi Kikutani, -rofessor, department of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; and
Dr. Behnam Pourdeyhimi, director, The Nonwovens Institute, North Carolina State University.
At the same time, to recognize outstanding achievements in textile and garment-related post-graduate research, CEMATEX has launched the Research & Education Excellence Award. Participating institutions in the R&E Pavilion may nominate their post-graduate students for the Masters and Doctorate categories of the Award. Entries can be submitted online at www.itma.com.
ITMA 2015 will be held November 12-19 November 2015 at Fiera Milano Rho in Milan, Italy. It is organized by MP Expositions Pte. Ltd.
Posted December 2, 2014
The European Technology Platform for the Future of Textiles and Clothing (Textile ETP) will be in the spotlight at ITMA 2015, the world's most established textile and garment technology exhibition. Its key projects will be showcased at the exhibition's Research and Education Pavilion (R&E Pavilion).
The Textile ETP, initially launched in 2004, was established as an international non-profit organization last year by three founding members: EURATEX, the European Apparel and Textile Confederation; TEXTRANET, the European Network of Textile Research and Technology Organizations; and AUTEX, the Association of Universities for Textiles.
Said Lutz Walter, secretary general of the Textile ETP, "The Textile ETP is the largest European expert's network for professionals involved in textile and clothing research and innovation. Our objectives include encouraging European-wide networking and collaboration, and facilitating access to EU research funding opportunities and a textile technology marketplace. Hence, we are pleased to support ITMA and to profile our projects at the R&E Pavilion.”
Among the actions which will be highlighted in the Textile ETP are Energy Made-to-Measure campaign and 2BFUNTEX project.
2BFUNTEX - Spearheaded by AUTEX, 2BFUNTEX aims to boost collaboration between research centers and the industry, and to facilitate rapid adoption of innovative functional textile structures and textile-related materials. Within the project, eight multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) have also been set up: antimicrobial textiles, biotechnologies, electro-spinning, flame retardancy, nanotechnologies, plasma, smart textiles and sustainable textiles.
Energy Made-to-Measure is the campaign coordinated by EURATEX and supported by the European Union to pursue greater energy efficiency in the textile and clothing industry. Several organizations from, currently, 11 countries are involved in the campaign which brings resources and information to companies, supporting them to take action.
Response to the R&E Pavilion has been encouraging, according to CEMATEX, owner of the exhibition. Charles Beauduin, president of CEMATEX, explained, "The R&E Pavilion will continue to provide excellent opportunities to educational and research organizations to share their R&D achievements and
European Technology Platform to be spotlighted at ITMA

Chemical protective suit
Photo courtesy of Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. [STFI]