Posted December 1, 2015
By Devin Steele (DSteele@eTextileCommunications.com)
MILAN – Markus Heinis, president of Genkinger-HUBTEX, Inc., said he could not be more pleased with ITMA 2015, especially as it relates to traffic from North American visitors.
“I thought it was a very good ITMA – very busy,” said Heinis, whose Greer, S.C.-based firm represents Genkinger-HUBTEX GmbH in this hemisphere. “I personally was surprised of the many visitors from North America. I knew that some were coming, but much more came – great! It goes without saying that decision makers were there and some projects came up that we did not know about before – again, great!”
Among products the company showed was the 1X Warp Truck with a harness hanging device; a 1X Sideloader; a 1X Electric Tractor/Tugger; and the 1X Multi-Purpose Truck Warp/Big Batch. Additionally, the company demonstrated a new development of the quick style-change warp truck at the Tsudakoma booth.
The company also introduced lithium-Ion batteries for its trucks.
“I was skeptical that the weather at this time of the year in this area could be cold, grey, icy or even snow, but we had none of that,” Heinis said. “We had good weather and that did sure help, too.”
ITMA 2015
Genkinger-HUBTEX pleased with N. American visitor numbers

Georgia-based Mattex Group reps visit Markus Heinis (R) in the Genkinger-Hubtex booth. (L-R) James Snow, Patriek Demeyere and Arne Norton.

Markus Heinis (L) of Genkinger-HUBTEX, Inc. with Rudi Heideker, who designed this material-handling truck.

Genkinger-HUBTEX introduced new lithium-Ion batteries for its trucks.

Georgia-based Mattex Group reps visit Markus Heinis (R) in the Genkinger-Hubtex booth. (L-R) James Snow, Patriek Demeyere and Arne Norton.