Posted November 30, 2015
ROSEVILLE, Minn. – In its continuing webinar series on flame-resistant (FR) textiles, the Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) will feature Dr. Marcelo M. Hirschler, Ph.D., M.R.S.C., C.Chem.
The webinar, titled “Performance Standards for Industrial Textiles,” will take place Tuesday, Dec. 15 from 2-3 p.m. EST.
Hirschler graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, where he obtained an undergraduate degree in physical chemistry and a Ph.D in polymer chemistry. He has worked on three continents (South America, Europe and the U.S.).
After a career in academic research in Argentina and the United Kingdom, Hirschler managed the fire testing and research laboratory at a plastics manufacturer BFGoodrich, from 1984 and 1991 with large- and small-scale heat-release test instruments, along with other fire test equipment. He chaired the U.S. Technical Fire Subcommittees of the Coordinating Committee for Fire Safety (Society of the Plastics Industry) and of the Vinyl Institute between 1986 and 1991.
He has specialized in fire issues for more than 20 years, mainly fire testing, fire hazard, smoke toxicity and smoke corrosiveness, and has published some 350 papers and five books: "The combustion of Organic Polymers" (Oxford University Press, with Charles F. Cullis), "Fire Hazard and Fire Risk Assessment", ASTM STP 1150, "Carbon Monoxide and Human Lethality: Fire and Non Fire Studies", Chapman & Hall), "Fire Calorimetry," NTIS, (Edited by Richard Lyon and Marcelo Hirschler) & ASTM STP 1376, "Electrical Insulating Materials, International Issues."
The major applications are plastic materials, electric cables, furniture and furnishings, textiles and cigarette smoldering ignitions.
The webinar is free for IFAI members and $25 for non-members.
To register, click here.
Source: IFAI
Marcelo Hirschler to lead IFAI webinar on FR textiles