Posted November 3, 2015
MAULDIN, S.C. – BYTE Software Services, the provider of integrated ERP, production and payroll systems, has added a Real-time Shop Floor Control (SFC) option to its already comprehensive range of software solutions for apparel and sewn products manufacturers.
By using inexpensive, off-the-shelf Wi-Fi enabled Android® tablets to measure and track all production activities as they occur throughout the day, the new real-time solution promises to help companies increase productivity, reduce labor costs, speed throughput time and improve quality.
“While Byte has long been a leader in incentive payroll software with our batch (daily/shift) data collection solutions, the traditional cost and implementation barriers of moving to real-time kept it out of reach for most companies,” said Byte President Ben Gause. “Now that the need for wired networking and proprietary workplace terminals has been eliminated, we can provide our clients with an easy to deploy and operate real-time solution that virtually any manufacturer can own or lease.”
To build and integrate the new real-time system with its other software modules, Byte partnered with Georgia-based Shopfloor Support LLC for its innovative Android App and tablet-based mobile wireless devices. This modern platform makes it possible to collect production data as it occurs and provide real-time feedback to workers and managers to improve overall productivity and line balancing. Byte also worked closely with select beta customers to deploy, test and gain real world feedback each step of the way.
“We took the opportunity of integrating the real-time capabilities to uniquely redefine our entire shop floor offer,” Gause said. “We can now give our customers the option to mix and match batch and real-time data collection throughout their operations; deploying the option that best suits each department and have all production and payroll information seamlessly and automatically flow together. The result is a symbiotic solution that is much more powerful than the independent parts.”
Most apparel and sewn products manufacturers can achieve a quick return on investment for the real-time system through elimination of bundle ticket printing, improved payroll accuracy and streamlined time/attendance processes. Other key advantages of the Byte real-time production solution include improved order tracking, individual order or production contract costing (such as military contracts), more timely identification and accountability of quality issues, and advanced monitoring and approval of off-standard activities.
Source: Byte Software Services
Byte Software bolsters solutions with real-time option