Posted October 26, 2016
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – AATCC and SGIA have partnered to offer a unique educational conference, Digital Textile Printing: The Future is Now, scheduled for December 6-7 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, N.C.
The program will culminate with a session focusing on case studies and business models.
Award-winning textile designer Alexander Julian will share his digital journey, beginning with his first explorations of digital textile printing in 1990. Julian will tell his story and attendees will have the opportunity to see and hear how technology has enabled his business and vision.
Gart Davis, Spoonflower’s CEO, will share his vision for digital manufacturing. Davis will discuss how forces alive in our current market can be harnessed to deliver a more collaborative, environmentally sustainable and diverse textile industry from the web to main street to high end fashion houses. Based on his experiences as co-founder of Lulu.com and Spoonflower.com, two businesses driven by creative communities and digital manufacturing, Davis will explore how the combination of creative communities, imaging technologies and on-demand manufacturing are taking shape, as well as some of the challenges. He will share a few examples of the wins and reversals from efforts at Spoonflower and its sister brands, Sprout Patterns and Roostery.
Additional sessions will focus on cutting-edge technology, product performance, research snapshot and designing for digital. The two-day event will deliver unprecedented content to conference registrants who will leave with a wealth of understanding and inspiration to take back to their respective jobs.
AATCC/SGIA individual and corporate members registering on or before November 21 pay $525 ($785 for nonmembers), which includes luncheons, breaks and a copy of all available presentations.
Digital textile printing conference to feature Alexander Julian

After November 21, the registration fee increases to $575 for AATCC/SGIA members and $835 for nonmembers. Refunds will be honored if cancellations are received on or before November 21. A $75 cancellation fee will be charged. No refunds will be given after November 21. Additional details as available and registration information can be found at here.
Overnight accommodations are available at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, 4700 Emperor Blvd., Durham, North Carolina, USA, telephone +1.919.941.5050. To make reservations contact the hotel directly and specify attendance at the AATCC/SGIA program to receive the group rate of $143.00. The group rate will be available until 5 p.m. (EST) on November 7 or until the group block is sold out, whichever comes first. Once the room block is filled the group rate will NOT be honored.
Source AATCC