Posted October 14, 2015
If you’re visiting ITMA in Milan, the online interactive floor plan is now live.
The online floor plan will help you plan your visit more efficiently.
Click here to check out the plan and begin charting your course through this year’s exhibition by using the built-in “Add Favorite” function to plan the list of exhibitors you would like to visit.
Exhibitors may also “share your booth” location by marking an X on the floor plan and emailing the unique link to your customers.
The online floor plan can be accessed on your desktop and mobile devices via www.itmacom.
Please click here to view sector allocation plan.
Step up to Hall 8
A level above the rest of the exhibition halls, Hall 8 is the place to:
Explore fiber and yarn;
Discover colorants and chemicals;
Understand research and innovation;
Visit CEMATEX and association villages; and
recharge at the visitor lounge.
When onsite, look out for directional signage at the main walkways and follow the floor stickers, or access it from Hall 6.
New exhibition opening hours
Hours for exhibitors each day will be from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Visitor hours will be 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
ITMA online interactive floor plan now live