Posted October 13, 2015
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – The American Association of Textile Colorists and Colorists (AATCC) announced that student members are invited to showcase their talents to win cash, prizes and recognition by participating in the 2016 Metamorphosis Concept 2 Consumer® Student Design and Student Merchandising competitions.
Student Design Competition
The 2016 Metamorphosis-themed competition will challenge students to create an end garment that transforms itself through the use of technology or creative fashion for an 18-to30-year old target consumer group, either male or female. Collections should include technology features in the fabric selection or product design, and designers are to draw their color palette inspiration from PANTONEVIEW Colour Planner Summer 2016.
To participate, students must be members of AATCC. Students who are not currently members of an AATCC student chapter can join online. Students can enter the contest individually or work in teams. Complete guidelines for the contest are available online.
First place earns $1,000, a Pantone Cotton Passport, a $100 Spoonflower gift certificate and a Datacolor Spyder 5. Second place winner(s) receive $750, a Pantone Cotton Passport, a $100 Spoonflower gift certificate and a Datacolor Spyder 5. There are also two Honorable Mention awards, each receiving $100, a $50 Spoonflower gift certificate and Datacolor Spyder 5.
Entries are due April 8, 2016. To enter, send a pdf of the design storyboard to design@aatcc.org. Winners will be announced by May 24, 2016.
Pantone, Spoonflower, and Datacolor are sponsors of the C2C Student Design Competition.
Student Merchandising Competition
The 2016 competition will also feature the “Metamorphosis” theme. Students will demonstrate their skills in business, marketing and merchandising by creating a business concept of a hypothetical new apparel or accessories line (hats, bags and scarves) that transforms. Students will decide how the transformation will be achieved, such as technology, optical illusion, chemistry or other creative aspects.
Students can enter the contest individually or work in teams. All individual and team members must be AATCC student members to enter. Complete guidelines for the contest are available online.
First place earns $1,000; second place winner(s) receive $750; and one honorable mention winner(s) will receive $250. Entries are due April 20, 2016.
To enter, send a pdf of the poster project to AATCC. Winners will be announced by May 31, 2016.
The Concept 2 Consumer® Student Merchandising Competition flyer can be accessed here.
Source: AATCC
C2C Student Design, Merchandising contests announced