Posted September 21, 2015
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – One way labs can measure their performance is by participating in proficiency programs such as one provided by the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC).
Proficiency programs allow labs to anonymously compare their results to those of tens, or even hundreds, of other labs. Each participant performs the same test on specimens of the same fabrics. Results are compiled and reported back to the participants.
In the case of AATCC Proficiency Testing Programs, each participant is assigned a number known only to themselves. Tables and graphs are distributed so each lab can see how its results compare to those of others and determine whether additional training is needed on particular test methods.
Participants also receive a certificate each year, which shows a laboratory’s effort to monitor and improve performance.
Programs available include:
Appearance & Physical Properties
Fiber Identification & Analysis
Water Resistance & Repellency
Register now for the upcoming 2016 testing programs.
Source: AATCC
Measure performance with AATCC's lab efficiency program