Posted September 20, 2016
RALEIGH, N.C. – CS Carolina will invest $9.8 million to expand its presence in Alamance County, N.C., Gov. Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla, III and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) announced.
The company said it intends to add 42 employees at the facility.
“Global textile manufacturers continue to turn to North Carolina and our outstanding business climate,” said Governor McCrory. “CS Carolina is nearly doubling its workforce at this facility, and that speaks highly of the company’s commitment to North Carolina.”
CS Carolina manufactures, sells and distributes synthetic nylon and polyester filament yarn. The company and its U.S. parent, CS America, are part of Chil Sung Co., Ltd. and CS Fibertech Co., Ltd., a South Korea-based family of textile manufacturing companies. CS Carolina, which completed an expansion announced in 2014, currently employs a workforce of 49 at its Burlington, N.C., facility.
“CS Carolina’s success in Alamance County underscores all the advantages that make North Carolina the Southeast’s leading destination for manufacturing jobs,” said Skvarla. “Our state’s productive workforce, competitive costs and market connectivity continue to fuel this company’s growth strategy.”
The 42 new positions at CS Carolina will include operators and managers. Annual salaries will vary by position but will average at least $36,738. Overall wages in Alamance County currently average $36,346 per year.
"We've done extensive competitive analyses for a potential expansion site and concluded that there is no better place than North Carolina based on availability of skilled labors, proximity to the customers and low costs of doing business,” said IT Joo, president & CEO of CS Carolina. “Our investment will help bring in the latest technologies and machinery that will make our operations highly efficient and cost effective, and it will significantly reduce our heavy dependency on Asian imports. We will continue to work with the local suppliers and contractors and stay with our commitment to reviving the local economy by spreading the wealth created by our operations to the local community."
CS Carolina to invest $9.8 million, add 42 jobs in N.C.

CS Carolina’s expansion was made possible in part by a performance-based grant of up to $85,000 from the One North Carolina Fund. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance, through local governments, to attract business projects that will stimulate economic activity and create new jobs in the state. Companies receive no money up front and must meet job creation and capital investment targets to qualify for grant funds. All One NC grants require a local government match.
Source: N.C. Dept. of Commerce