Posted September 8, 2014
WINTERTHUR, Switzerland – Machinery manufacturer Rieter has released its sustainability report for 2013.
The core themes of this issue are the global promotion of future generations of personnel and energy efficiency. The company said its long-standing goal is to secure the provision of future generations of personnel for Rieter and the machine manufacturing industry.
Rieter said it also succeeded in further optimizing the energy efficiency of its products compared to the previous year.
Rieter’s 2012/2013 investment program also included the expansion and modernization of its manufacturing capacity in China and India, which increased the group’s energy consumption in absolute terms by 2,000 MWh to 133,000 MWh. At the same time Rieter was able to reduce total energy consumption relative to corporate output (sales) by 15 percent thanks to its energy-saving program. Rieter said it attaches great importance to reducing energy consumption in its product developments and innovations.
Continuous progress is evident, for example, in the current R 60 rotor spinning machine, which consumes 5 percent less energy than the predecessor model.
The company said it invests heavily in vocational training in order to continue to meet customers’ expectations of Rieter’s quality. The roots of Rieter’s rich apprenticeship training tradition reach back as far as 1906, it said. To date, 4,000 apprentices have been trained at the Rieter Machine Works in Winterthur alone. The idea behind this company-oriented training is that of succession and career planning for Rieter and the machine manufacturing industry,the company added.
For the past five years Rieter has also been engaged in training future generations of personnel in India and China, in addition to its vocational training programs in Europe.
The full report in English and German can be downloaded from the Rieter website here.
Rieter publishes its Sustainability Report for 2013