With various partnerships DyStar helps improve the dyeing process and reduce the environmental footprint of its customers. Through its partnership with DyeCoo®, DyStar supports the development of technology to use recycled CO2 gas instead of water to permeate textiles with dyes. DyStar also supported the development of blueXpert, the system by bluesign® technologies to improve the resource efficiency in the dyeing process.
DyStar strives to be the environmental and innovation global leader in its industries and will continue to research and develop new solutions to improve the impact of the textile industry on the environment. Its newest innovations will be presented at ITMA in November in Milan.
More details about their initiatives and the detailed sustainability report can be found on the DyStar website here.
Source: DyStar
Posted September 7, 2015
DyStar launched its Sustainability Report 2014 to update its progress in reducing their operational impacts.
In 2010 DyStar published its first Sustainability Report and established concrete goals to reduce energy and water consumption and wastewater and GHG emission by 20 percent by 2020.
Due to its commitment to environmental stewardship and various improvements in its worldwide production sites and offices, energy consumption has been reduced by 21.5 percent and the GHG emission intensity by 14.8 percent. Due to the change of the product mix to more water-intensive products, water consumption has slightly increased compared to last year but water recycling was improved by 9 percent compared to the previous year.
Also, waste recycling programs have been implemented and improved in various production sites, including its facility in Nanjing, China, which recycled 83,480kg of waste
DyStar does not only take measures to reduce its own impact, its two-fold sustainability strategy also incorporates to support customers to reduce the impact of their production. One of the highlights in 2014 in that respect is the launch of Realan® Black MF-PV for black wool, which is completely free of AOX and heavy materials. The most recent developments are the new Levafix® ECO cellulose dyes, which are free of p-CA and other regulated amines and meet the requirements of all relevant Restricted Substance lists.
DyStar® updates progress in 2014 Sustainability Report