Posted August 25, 2014
The American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists (AATCC), in conjunction with North Carolina State University’s College of Textiles and T-PACC (Textile Protection and Comfort Center), will conduct a symposium titled, Moisture Management: Enhancing Product Performance from Absorbency to Repellency.
This program will take place October 8-9 at the College of Textiles at N.C. State University in Raleigh, N.C.
The program will focus on all aspects of moisture management, from absorbency to resistance. Merchandisers and brands will be present and discuss the commercial importance of moisture transport and repellency and their performance expectations and requirements.
Other presentations will focus on routes to moisture management via fibers and chemistries, human physiology aspects of moisture management, applicable test methods and consumer research and preferences. Participants will have an opportunity to tour the labs at NCSU and see the moisture management testing apparatus.
Program details and registration information can be found on AATCC’s website. Register by September 23 to take advantage of the early bird discount.
Moisture Management Symposium scheduled for October 8-9