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Posted August 23, 2017


RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – Students are invited to showcase their design talents to win cash and recognition by participating in the 2nd annual AATCC and Runway of Dreams Foundation Fashion For All Student Design Competition.


The 2018 competition will challenge students to design a clothing or accessory item that reimagines fashion and function for people who are seated/wheelchair users. This new item should enhance the everyday existence of the wearer and/or their caregiver.


Complete guidelines for the contest are available online.


Runway of Dreams Foundation will award the first-place winner a minimum of $5,000 scholarship to the first-place winner. The award will be given at the third annual Runway of Dreams Foundation Gala and Fashion Show in NYC in June 2018. The winner will have the opportunity to showcase their design before the top leaders in the fashion industry.


Runway of Dreams Foundation will make travel and overnight hotel accommodations for the winner up to $1,000. Should the winner of the competition be an international student, this stipend will be adjusted accordingly.


Runway of Dreams Foundation will award a $1,000 scholarship to both the second and third place winners.


Phase I entries will be due by December 1, 2017. Finalists will be notified by January 17, 2018. Finalist entries are due by February 21, 2018.


To enter, send a pdf of the poster project to AATCC.


Winners will be notified by March 31, 2018.


The competition flyer can be accessed here.


Source: AATCC

AATCC to hold ‘Fashion for All’ Student Design Competition
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