MedTex15 USA
Learn about healthcare, medical textile applications
Posted August 19, 2015
RALEIGH, N.C. – N.C. State University’s College of Textiles invites you to attend MedTex15 USA here September 8-9.
MedTex15 USA promises to bring together international specialists from universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and government to exchange knowledge and experiences so as to increase our understanding about the latest advances in polymers, fibers and textiles used in healthcare and medical applications. This will lead to increased interdisciplinary cooperation between researchers, engineers, materials scientists, biologists and clinicians for the advancement of the design, fabrication, delivery, performance and clinical use of medical textile products throughout the world.
The program will consist of keynote sessions and breakout sessions, where accepted papers will be presented. To see more about the conference click here. For any questions regarding sponsorship or registration contact Melissa Sharp, conference secretariat, by email or +1+919-515-0236.
Call for Papers deadline extended to August 21
Abstracts are solicited describing innovative work on any topic related to the application of textiles to healthcare and medicine. However, the program will be built around the following themes, which are of particular interest:
1. Surface modification and characterization of medical textiles
2. Intelligent and sensing materials for medical use
3. Novel textile structures used in medical applications
4. Applications of natural biopolymers and fibers in medicine.
5. Computer simulations for predicting life expectancy of medical devices
6. Tissue engineering scaffolds
7. Fiber-based implantable devices
8. Materials for wound care, bandages and pressure garments
9. Materials for personal protection and infection control
10. Current regulatory environment and standards for medical devices
11. Logistics and global trade in the medical textiles market
All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The deadline for abstract submission is August 21. To see the detailed instructions for the abstract submission guidelines, click here.