Posted August 8, 2015
MINNEAPOLIS – Representatives of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will be at IFAI Expo 2015 in Anaheim, Calif., in October.
NASA officials will showcase a space suit in their booth in the Advance Textiles show floor area.
On Tuesday, October 6, Evelyne Orndoff, Softgoods Development & Testing lead at the NASA Johnson Space Center, will lead the opening session of the Advanced Textiles Conference and share NASA's “wish list.”
Orndoff will walk you through what NASA hopes textile suppliers will invent or provide. Her presentation is at 8:30 a.m. and is accessible through a single-day or full-conference registration.
Don't miss this opportunity to see how your organization can get involved with NASA.
Click here to register. Want to talk with NASA on the show floor? Receive a free Show Floor Only registration with promo code VIPNASA. Code can only be redeemed for a Show Floor Only registration. Redeem promo code at checkout.
Source: IFAI
NASA reps to share ‘wish list’ with textiles suppliers