Posted August 8, 2016
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – You cannot control what happens as the world transitions to new LED light sources, but you can position your company to put your product in the “best light.”
As a brand and/or retail market leader, you recognize that color is a major factor in your customer’s decision process and work tirelessly to identify the color that will lead to the purchase of your product. You also know that lighting plays a major role in how color is perceived and that different light sources affect how colors of objects and products are viewed.
So don’t be left behind. Join AATCC on August 25 and 26 in Durham, N.C., and hear brands and retailers share their successes and challenges in their LED Lighting evolution.
This conference is focused on the renewed importance of communication throughout the supply chain, identifying and partnering with a qualified lighting supplier, bridging the visual gap between your products and your store lighting teams and much more.
Included in the lineup of speakers are: Bob Bolduc, L Brands; Dustin Bowersox, Target; John Davidson, Wal-Mart; Keith Hoover, Under Armour; Kristie Sampley, Wal-Mart; and Kathryn Taylor, Victoria’s Secret.
Presentations include:
Color & Lighting: Fundamentals for Communication – Roland Connelly, RoLyn Group Color Consultants and Eric Haugaard, CREE Inc.;
Why LED, Why Now – Tom Boyle, GE Lighting;
An Improved Method for Characterizing Color Rendering: IES TM-30-15 – Michael Royer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory;
Opportunities for Improved Lighting Performance with LED Solutions – Eric Haugaard, CREE Inc.;
Replicating Daylight and Other High Quality Light Sources – Steve Paolini, Telelumen LLC;
LED Conversion, A Visual Story – Dustin Bowersox, Target;
“Light, More Light!” said the dying Goethe – Keith Hoover, Under Armour;
Keeping it Sexy with LEDs – From Product Creation to Store Environment – Bob Bolduc, L Brands and Kathryn Taylor, Victoria’s Secret;
Brands, retailers to share LED experiences

LED Update: Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going – John Davidson, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.;
Flipping the switch to LED: How Did We Get Here and What Happens Next? – Kristie Sampley, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.;
Issues with Lightbooths & Light Sources—Nick Lena, GTI Graphic Technology Inc.
LED Adoption: Preparing to Retrofit your Supply Chain – Stephen Robertson, X-Rite;
LED Lighting for Critical Color Judgement – Lessons from Eight Years in the Field – James S. Summers, Just Normlicht, Inc.;
So What Just Happened? Overview of Changes in Color Control Related to LED Lighting in Retail – Ann Laidlaw, ACL Color Consulting LLC, Consultant to X-Rite; and
Lighting: What’s Next? – A Panel Discussion.
Several panel discussions have been integrated into the program, allowing you opportunities to discuss your concerns with leaders in the industry.
A pre-conference tour of CREE’s state-of-the-art Lighting Experience Center is being offered and limited to 45 attendees. You must be registered for the conference in order to participate in the tour.
AATCC individual and corporate members registering on or before August 10 pay $525 ($785 for nonmembers). After August 10 the registration fee increases to $575 for AATCC members ($835 for nonmembers).
AATCC student members receive complimentary registration (does not include food and beverage functions) if space permits. Availability confirmed 10 days out from the event. The nonmember student registration fee is $125 (includes food and beverage functions).
Refunds will be honored if cancellations are received on or before August 17. No refunds will be given after August 17. A $75 cancellation fee will be charged.
The conference will be conducted at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Durham, N.C.
Source: AATCC