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Posted July 26, 2018
SHERBROOKE, Quebec, Canada – In order to pursue the growth strategy implemented over the past 24 months, FilSpec™ is integrating new resources and reviewing the organizational structure of its plants here and in Ellerbe, N.C., USA.
This approach aims to achieve organizational excellence in order to adapt to current and future market needs. FilSpec™ will thus be more able to support its customers and make the most of the talent of its employees, its most precious resource and one of its major assets.
Supporting customers in their growth strategy
Since its beginnings, FilSpec™ has always stood out for its ability to innovate and do things differently to keep pace with the market and succeed despite the difficulties that have affected the textile industry. The international expansion as well as the production of several new innovative technical yarns are encouraging the company to review its organizational structure to better meet the new demands of customers now spread across the United States, Mexico, South America and Europe.
Appointments and new positions
This reorganization brings changes to the current structure and leads to the creation of some new positions.
Chantal Adam, internal sales representative, will be promoted to senior internal sales representative.
Brigitte Roy was also hired to the position of customer service representative. She has several years of experience in customer service and knows the textile industry.
And Kaoutar Bensaid will join the team as quality and continuous improvement engineer. His master's degree in mechanical engineering and his bachelor's degree in industrial engineering (textile and clothing) make him the ideal person to deploy the full potential of the Sherbrooke plant.
At FilSpec USA in Ellerbe, Clyde Smith was promoted to plant manager, a well-deserved recognition after several years of work within the company.
Tammy Morrow Joyner, also a longtime employee, was promoted to the position of planner.
In addition, Charity Davis, with more than 15 years of customer service experience, has been hired to fill a position at this level and ensure customer satisfaction.
And Geri Clark has been recruited to become director of human resources and ensure the wellbeing of employees and the hiring of key resources.
Organizational excellence is what sets FilSpec™ apart to offer its services to even more satisfied
Source: FilSpec™
FilSpec™ announces promotions, additions to support growth, needs