Posted July 18, 2016
Under the theme, "Building Successful Businesses Through Partnerships," the Southern Textile Association (STA) will host its annual Summer Marketing Forum on Thursday, August 11 at Gaston College’s Textile Technology Center, Kimbrell Campus in Belmont, N.C.
Back by popular demand, a wine tasting and dinner will be held in conjunction with the event the night before, on Wednesday, August 10, at The Vin Master in Charlotte, N.C.
Confirmed speakers include:
Kelly Nester, president and CEO, Nester Hosiery, “From Farm To Feet;”
Jeremy Wooten, president, HomTex, Inc., “HomTex USA Story;”
Robert Carrigg, international trade specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Textiles & Apparel, “ "General Overview of Textile Trade Policy and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement;"
Carson Copeland, COO, Valdese Weavers, LLC, “Valdese Weavers – 100 Years of Mass Customization;" and
Keith Hoover, vice president, Material Innovation, Under Armour,"Under Armour Business Profile."
The registration fee is $100 for members for the Thursday program, $150 for members with the Thursday program and Wednesday dinner; $190 for non-members for the Thursday program, which includes annual membership dues for a year; and $210 for non-members for the Thursday program and Wednesday dinner, hich includes annual membership dues for a year.
For the complete program, please click here. To register, please click here.
STA event
Summer Marketing Forum program to pack punch