Posted July 7, 2015
RALEIGH, N.C. – National Spinning Co. plans to invest $1.5 million to expand its facilities and create 50 jobs at its plant in Beulaville, N.C., over the next three years, N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory, N.C. Commerce Secretary John E. Skvarla III and the Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina (EDPNC) announced.
The news came just weeks after the company announced that its Carolina Nonwovens, LLC subsidiary has begun construction of a new production facility in Maiden, N.C. that will double its workforce over the next three years.
"Our company has operated in Duplin County for many years and is extremely pleased to create additional employment opportunities and investment in the county,” said National Spinning Chairman and CEO Jim Chesnutt. “We are fortunate the products produced in the Beulaville facility continue to be in high demand.”
National Spinning, based in Washington, N.C., has been a traditional textile manufacturer in North Carolina since 1921. The company is an employee-owned manufacturer and distributor of yarn, nonwovens and consumer craft items, with North Carolina plant locations in Washington, Whiteville, Beulaville, Burlington and Lincolnton. It currently employs more than 600 people.
“Our traditional manufacturing industries are still a large part of the backbone of North Carolina’s economy,” said Gov. McCrory. “Companies like National Spinning Company are important to the continued strength of those industries.”
The new jobs in the expansion include operators, shipping and receiving and general maintenance, with varied salaries by position. The added payroll of the new jobs will be approximately $1.2 million annually, the company said.
The project was made possible in part by a performance-based grant from the One North Carolina Fund of up to $100,000. The One NC Fund provides financial assistance through local governments to attract business projects that will stimulate economic activity and create new jobs in the state. Companies receive no money up front and must meet job creation and investment performance standards to qualify for grant funds. These grants also require and are contingent upon local matches.
In addition to N.C. Commerce and the Economic Development Partnership of N.C., other partners that helped with this project include the North Carolina Community College System, Duke Energy, the Duplin County Economic Development Commission and Duplin County.
“The assistance from the EDPNC, the Department of Commerce and Duplin County Economic Development Commission is greatly appreciated," Chesnutt said.
Source: N.C. Dept. of Commerce
National Spinning to invest, expand in Duplin County, N.C.