Posted June 28, 2016
GRAHAM, N.C. – GreenTech Solutions Group said that it worked with Apex Mills to upgrade to more energy efficient lighting at its Graham, N.C. textile mill, Apex Aridyne, resulting in 76 percent reduction of energy and maintenance cost.
Apex Mills will also see a rapid 1.5 year payback period for this investment, according to GreenTech.
Apex Mills is rapidly heading towards a more sustainable approach to manufacturing textiles and is dedicated to making production practices more sustainable. To that end, it looked to GreenTech to update the existing lighting in the mill to improve the lighting conditions, reduce their cost of energy and alleviate the time and cost of replacing inefficient lamps and ballasts.
“It was such a pleasure to work with everyone there to increase the safety and efficiency of the mill by greatly improving the light levels in the manufacturing plant as well as the exterior of the facility,” said GreenTech Solutions Group V.P. of Business Development Scott Jernigan.
Added Apex Mills CEO and owner Jonathan Kurz: “With a keen focus on industry trends and the needs of our customers, Apex Mills consistently looks to bring new textile advancements to market. Keeping our mill functioning efficiently and giving our employees the tools they need to grow is the core of doing business well. I am thankful to GreenTech for not only making us more energy efficient, but for helping us receive rebates that we can reinvest into the business to benefit our employees, community and customers.”
GreenTech, based in Raleigh, N.C., carefully gathered data on Apex Aridyne’s current lighting configuration for insight into its energy usage, operational costs and existing light levels. It then designed a retrofit layout for the building, which resulted in a more than 75 percent reduction in Apex Aridyne’s annual energy consumption and maintenance cost.
In addition to the energy savings, GreenTech helped Apex Aridyne receive rebates from Duke Energy as well as securing a 25 percent grant from the USDA. In all, the incentives helped to subsidize more than 70 percent of the cost of the project.
“We were pleased to be able to deliver a quick payback period through rebates and incentives,” Jernigan said.
Furthermore, operations manager Jay Huffman said he has been relieved of the constant replacement of T12 and metal halide technology.
GreenTech: Lighting improves energy efficiency for Apex
“We love the lighting,” he said. “However, I was even happier when my boss told me we received the generous lighting rebates that GreenTech had projected.”
After the project was completed, the end result is a safer, more efficient workplace with the following financial benefits:
1.5 year payback period;
76 percent reduction of energy and maintenance cost;
892,642 kWh reduction in annual energy usage; and
$69,378 in annual operational cost savings.
GreenTech Solutions Group commended Apex Mills for its forward-thinking mindset toward a more sustainable approach to manufacturing textiles.
“We love it when we can offer solutions to help a business become more energy efficient, not only to reduce costs and energy consumption, but also to have a lasting impact on the environment,” said GreenTech President and CEO Glenn Edmonds. “We know Apex Mills will have a quick return on their investment, but they will also continue to save far into the future.”
Source: GreenTech Solutions Group