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Posted June 24, 2014
Part 1
By Devin Steele
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – For someone without a textile pedigree, Ken Rada was able to the lead the Southern Textile Association (STA) through a year of growth and prosperity that included seven informative, well-attended meetings.
But, he said, he would not have succeeded without the encouragement and support of the STA’s officers, board of governors and membership. At the organization’s 106th Annual Meeting here last week, he took a few minutes to thank them for that.
“Leading an organization such as the Southern Textile Association could be overwhelming to someone like me who is not from the textile industry,” said Rada, region director of Large Business for Duke Energy, Greenville, S.C. “Well, let me say the leadership and membership of the STA were not going to let me fail. In fact, with their support, they guaranteed the continued success of the association.
“The leadership of the Southern Textile Association has incredible passion for the textile industry and incredible passion for this organization,” he added.
Rada went on to call out several of those leaders by name.
“It’s always risky to call names, but I want to give a personal thanks to George Abbott, Brad Burnett, Randy Blackston, Ed Cox, Judson Boehmer, Todd Wemyss and Michael Kingsmore,” he said. “Thanks for your support and more importantly your friendship. And I want to personally thank the Southern Textile Association’s paid staff – Lillian Link. I don’t know how you do it. Your dedication in serving the needs of the STA and the personal support that you’ve provided me as been outstanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Rada also read STA’s Mission Statement and reiterated several bullet points covered in promotional materials.
“The first point and the last point both contain the phrase, ‘promotes good fellowship,’ and that’s what’s so meaningful to me,” he said. “I’ve made lifelong friends in this organization.”
Rada noted that STA is made up of 55 textile companies and 210 suppliers. And more than 1,000 people attended its seven meetings over the past year, he added.
“I think you’ll agree, our meetings are informative and cost effective,” he said.
During the meeting, Judson Boehmer, president of the La France Division of Mount Vernon Mills, La France, S.C., was elected president to succeed Rada.
“I feel very humbled, very blessed, very fortunate to come in as your 2014-15 president,” he said. “I’d like to thank Randy Blackston for getting me involved in STA six years ago. I feel like the interaction and the networking and having the resources that this association provides have really helped me grow over the past few years.
“I look forward to this year,” he added. “I’m exciting about continued growth. As others have said today, let’s get out there, push for STA and let’s see continued growth going into next year.”
No textile pedigree? No problem for Rada, STA

Ken Rada is presented an award for his service to STA by incoming President Judson Boehmer of Mount Vernon Mills.

Among leaders of the STA are (L-R) Ken Rada, Ed Cox, Judson Boehmer and Todd Wemyss.

Ken Rada is presented an award for his service to STA by incoming President Judson Boehmer of Mount Vernon Mills.

To promote good fellowship among members.
To exchange professional knowledge relating to textiles
To promote other social, educational, personnel relations, research and scientific activities for the benefit of the textile industry.
STA's Mission Statement
Next week: General sessions review