Posted June 22, 2016
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – Color is an important factor in the consumer’s decision to purchase a product and often the first feature that attracts a consumer to a product. Lighting plays a major role in how color is perceived, and different light sources affect how the colors of objects and products are viewed.
Environmental and economic benefits of reducing energy consumption is a key driver in the move to LED light sources. How do we as retailers, brands and suppliers ensure that our products are created and beautifully displayed under these new LED light sources?
AATCC LED Summit: A Light Changing Experience, being held August 25-26 in Durham, N.C., will address these important questions. The interactive program is designed to bring together members of the retail industry to include marketing, design, engineers and quality assurance as well as lighting suppliers, color control providers, and instrument manufacturers.
This conference is developed to foster discussion and understanding of the rapidly changing lighting environment.
This two-day program will focus on: all being able to speak the same “light” language, the why and how of new lighting, lighting reality – industry case studies, new light and how it will impact quality assurance and the supply chain, and steps to consider when establishing and selecting new lights.
Confirmed presentations include:
Color & Lighting: Fundamentals for Communication – Roland Connelly, RoLyn Group Color Consultants;
Why LED, Why Now – Tom Boyle, GE Lighting;
An Improved Method for Characterizing Color Rendering: IES TM-30-15 – Michael Royer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory;
Opportunities for Improved Lighting Performance with LED Solutions – Eric Haugaard, Cree Inc.;
Replicating Daylight and Other High Quality Light Sources – Steve Paolini, Telelumen LLC;
“Light, More Light!” said the dying Goethe – Keith Hoover, Under Armour;
Issues with Light Booths & Light Sources – Nick Lena, GTI Graphic Technology, Inc.;
LED Adoption: Preparing to Retrofit your Supply Chain – Stephen Robertson, X-Rite; and
So What Just Happened? Overview of Changes in Color Control Related to LED Lighting in Retail – Ann Laidlaw, ACL Color Consulting LLC, consultant to X-Rite.
AATCC individual and corporate members registering on or before August 10 pay U.S. $525 (U.S. $785 for nonmembers). After August 10 the registration fee increases to U.S. $575 for AATCC members (U.S. $835 for nonmembers).
AATCC to host LED Summit: A Light Changing Experience

AATCC student members receive complimentary registration (does not include food & beverage functions) if space permits. Availability confirmed 10 days out from the event. The nonmember student registration fee is U.S. $125 (includes food & beverage functions).
Refunds will be honored if cancellations are received on or before August 17. No refunds will be given after August 17. A U.S. $75 cancellation fee will be charged.
Visit this page for information about hotel group rates, program updates and to register.
Source: AATCC