Posted June 17, 2014
Canada-based Richelieu Legwear International, Inc. said it is expanding its presence in Hildebran, N.C., through an investment of $16 million in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.
This investment will bring Richelieu’s total investment in the U.S. to $24 million. The project is expected to create 205 jobs in Burke County by the end of 2018, according to the company.
Employees at the new facility will manufacture socks and will be supported by a long-term commitment from the company’s leading customer, Walmart. This partnership will assure that significant financial investments are supported by program placement from Walmart for years to come, the North Carolina Department of Commerce said.
“We were fortunate to have had access to a skilled North Carolina workforce in 2011 that has contributed to our success, and are excited about building upon this strong foundation with new additions to our team,” said Richelieu President Michael Penner. “The decision to invest in North Carolina was a direct result of the support provided by the state that is enabling us to attract, train and retain a highly qualified workforce. The state grant is just one example of our good working relationship with Gov. Pat McCrory and his Commerce team to the benefit of North Carolinians.”
Founded in Sorel, Quebec in 1934, Richelieu Legwear has distribution centers in Canada and the United States, offices in three countries and manufacturing sources in nine countries. It is a leading provider of legwear products to Walmart and other major retailers in the United States, Canada and internationally under the brand names Peds, MediPeds and Growing Socks. The company acquired selected assets of International Legwear Group in Hildebran in 2011 and hired 45 members of the firm’s workforce.
Currently, Richelieu Legwear has its U.S. based operations, in Hildebran where it employs more than 60 people.
“Global companies such as Richelieu Legwear recognize that North Carolina is a great place for businesses to thrive because of our top-notch business climate and well-trained workforce,” said Gov. McCrory. “I had a great meeting with the company’s president, Michael Penner, in Charlotte and personally thanked him for his commitment to triple the size of Richelieu Legwear’s workforce in North Carolina.”
Richelieu Legwear to invest $16 million at N.C. site