Posted May 19, 2015
BELMONT, N.C. – More than 100 representatives of the entire textile supply chain and associated sectors came together here on May 13 to learn more about the Revolutionary Fibers and Textile Manufacturing Innovation Institute (RFT-MII) and hear proposers competing for the opportunity to create and lead the institute.
During the meeting, organized by the National Council of Textiles Organizations (NCTO), two proposer groups presented informative and in-depth overviews of their vision for and sustainability of the institute. Because proposals are competitive and sensitive – and not for media dissemination yet – eTC is bound by confidentiality not to report on specifics of either proposal.
After each group’s presentation, they were dispersed to individual rooms to answer questions and provide more information for interested parties.
The meeting took place exactly one week before the Department of Defense’s ManTech (Manufacturing Technology) office was to hold a Proposers Day in Atlanta, designed to familiarize potential proposers with the concept and vision for the RFT-MII and the associated technology needs.
Revolutionary Fibers and Textile Manufacturing Innovation Institute
Proposer groups provide in-depth insights, information

In kicking off activities, Andy Warlick, chairman, president & CEO of Parkdale, reiterated ManTech’s industry-led prerequisite.
“It’s the industry’s job to be sure that those who have a vision for innovation and advanced manufacturing and products are in the driver’s seat,” he said. “Let me emphasize that this is a tremendous opportunity for the textile and allied industries, and I’m glad to see that representatives from all of the supply chain sectors are with us here today. We hope you and all proposers will find value in our discussions. Our goal is to ensure that the Fibers and Textile Manufacturing Innovation Institute is a clear success.”
Warlick also thanked both groups for enormous amount of volunteer work they’ve put in to organize their proposals.
Background on the institute
On March 18, President Obama announced a notice of intent (NOI) by the federal government to seek competition for creation of the RFT-MII. To start this process, the government will enter a five-year cooperative agreement and provide federal funding up to $75 million to be matched or exceeded by funding from private industry and non-federal sources. After five years the RFT-MII is envisioned to become self-sustaining and be able to continue to add value to the domestic RFT area in perpetuity, according to ManTech. Leadership of this Institute is limited to independent U.S. non-profit industry and academic organizations.
The institute is designed to accelerate innovation by investing in manufacturing technologies with broad technical applications, and ManTech requires that it be industry driven. The intent is for the institute to bridge the gap between basic research and product development.
The Fibers and Textile Institute is the ninth launched by the DoD to date. As part of a National Network for Manufacturing Innovation, each institute serves as a regional hub for leadership in emerging manufacturing technologies, bridging the gap between early research and product development by bringing together companies, universities and other academic and training institutions, and federal agencies to co-invest in key technology areas that can encourage investment and production in the United States.

Andy Warlick, chairman, president & CEO of Parkdale, introduces program.

NCTO VP Hardy Poole offers insights on RFT-MII activities.

Don McConnell, VP, Industry Alliances at Georgia Tech, presents proposal.

Andy Warlick, chairman, president & CEO of Parkdale, introduces program.