Posted May 12, 2015
Significant growth is anticipated for high-performance nonwovens – that was the conclusion of the second Conference on Nonwovens for High-performance Applications held in Cannes, France, March 4-5. Although some advanced nonwovens have started to become commoditized, it is clear that growth is driven mainly by the continuous development of new areas of application and the trend for new production processes, resulting in the need for constant innovation.
Participants declared the event a valuable and unique opportunity to co-locate different strands of the global industry together in one venue. Now you can experience the 19 presentations as given at NHPA2015, available to order on a CD-ROM as pdf files, plus audio files of the discussion workshops.
Senior staff from around the world attended to hear two days of expert presentations and engage in workshops and discussions. The second edition of this unique conference series proved a great success for delegates, speakers and exhibitors.
Examining market, product and technology intelligence for advanced nonwovens, the four sessions consisted of markets and opportunities; pioneering new applications; game-changing technologies; and specialist applications.
Organized by International Newsletters Ltd. and supported by the nonwoven trade association INDA, along with Messe Frankfurt Techtextil, NHPA2015 was the second symposium in this conference series uniquely concerned with innovations and trends in high-performance nonwovens. Technical Absorbents were Gold Sponsors.
For more information on the papers presented, the conference program and presentation abstracts, please visit the conference website at www.intnews.com/NHPA.
To purchase your CD-ROM, please click here.