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Booth #1450
Posted May 5, 2014
Adaptive Control plans to introduce a new type of production communication tool at TechTextil North America.
With North American operations in Huntersville, N.C., Adaptive Control provides PC control systems and integrated monitoring systems for all types of textile equipment.
Adaptive Control to unveil new production communication tool
TechTextil North America
May 13-15, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta

Exhibiting in Booth 1450, Adaptive will show the system called “FlowBook,” which it says allows for communications between production machinery “automatically.” For instance, a dyeing machine in a facility could “ask” for more water or communicate that it has waited too long for operation or that it requires maintenance.

FlowBook, running on mobile devices, is a logging and notification system for production facilities. Events describing the flow of work through the business are emailed into FlowBook, which then re-distributes them to mobile devices in the hands of managers and employees, keeping them informed and notified of important events. The people using the devices can also, if desired, comment on and escalate specific events, keeping the workflow moving and handling production issues quickly.
A complete log of all that goes on in the business is kept to provide a further valuable business record of employees’ activities and workflows.
Adaptive has ongoing trials of FlowBook in textile plants now and said it is looking for partners interested in taking this new concept to all types of industries and businesses.
For more information, contact David Tindale by email at davidtindale@adaptivecontrol.com.