Exhibiting at show? We'll have you covered
We thank these companies for sponsoring our coverage of the shows:
eTC (eTextileCommunications.com) will be working the floor during TechTextil North America, Texprocess Americas and JEC Americas, which of course run concurrently this week at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, GA. We will be covering the event "live," with real-time updates on our website, Twitter and Facebook. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at #etcAtlantaShows.
And our “post-game coverage” will be among the most comprehensive anywhere.
Be sure to say hello if you see us and tell us about your products and services. Or come by our “home base” – Booth 1619, which we will share with the American Textile Machinery Association – to see us or leave a note.
And we’d appreciate it if you’d visit our sponsors’ booths. They are helping to make our coverage of the event possible. Their ads are posted above. They're all fine, longtime industry suppliers who know their stuff.
A record number of exhibitors are scheduled to show their products and services during the combined trade shows. This unique platform will host no less than 754 exhibitors from 29 countries, including pavilions from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, China and Supply Chain USA, with UBIFrance participating with a pavilion for the first time.
The 11th Techtextil North America will showcase 363 exhibitors, the second Texprocess Americas will host 164 exhibitors and JEC Americas will have 232 exhibitors.
We’re looking forward to seeing you this week.