Posted April 9, 2020
The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), along with The National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO) and INDA, the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry are reaching out to provide an initial database of finished goods and input production manufacturers capable of meeting the continuing need for textile-based PPE and medical supplies amidst the current COVID-19 crisis.
Please go here to check it out: COVID-19 production capacity database.
The information being provided is based on results collected from the survey titled "COVID-19 Production Capacity Survey" (link to survey PDF here). The survey was developed and issued by IFAI, NCTO and INDA, and was originally designed to gather textile-related production chain information in regard to PPE and other medical materials.
The survey was open for response and results were collected from 12 p.m. EST on March 17 to 5 p.m. EST on March 18.
The survey results have been organized into three primary databases, which have been organized into a number of PDF lists on our COVID-19 Production Capacity Database page. The database groupings are:
COVID-19 COMPLETE – the complete set of respondent information to the survey, with the exception of those identified in the note below.
COVID-19 FINISHED GOODS – a complete set of information regarding respondents who identified their organization as a finished goods manufacturer (with the exception of those identified in the note below). A finished good is a product that is fully sewn or otherwise assembled and is ready for use by the end-user.
COVID-19 INPUT PRODUCERS – a complete set of information regarding respondents who identified their organization as an input product manufacturer (with the exception of those identified in Note 1 below). Inputs in this context are upstream materials, such as fibers and/or resins, nonwovens, knit/woven fabrics and yarns that are necessary for the construction of a finished good.
Note 1: Please note that within this survey, we expressly asked if respondents would be willing to release their information publicly. Consequently, these spreadsheets contain information only from respondents who answered "Yes" to that question. Those respondents who marked "No" or left this field blank were not included in the information provided here.
Since this database is based on the survey that was designed to find companies offering to respond to the need, some companies listed in the database are offering assistance or the possibility of starting up manufacturing, but do not yet have products to offer. Please also note that there are many domestic producers who were unable to respond to this survey while it was live. Further, many domestic producers have, since this survey was distributed, converted or developed operations to meet the evolving needs of this crisis.
As a result, IFAI, NCTO and INDA may have further information regarding additional production capabilities. The organizations sad they are happy to serve as a resource in that regard.
Finally, please see the below disclaimer that should accompany any use of these databases and the subsequent information that they contain. This disclaimer should be provided to any parties with which these databases and their subsequent information are shared.
For further COVID-19 related questions or support, please email IFAI by clicking here.
Please note that these databases were developed based on information provided in response to a survey designed to identify suppliers that could meet our nation's healthcare demands during this rapidly developing situation. Neither NCTO, IFAI or INDA can be held responsible for the information provided by any respondent, nor the final product or inputs produced or exchanged as a result of the information contained here. Rather, responsibility of the information provided is held by the respondent.
Sources: IFAI, NCTO and INDA
IFAI, NCTO, INDA launch PPE production capacity database