Posted March 17, 2015
MINNEAPOLIS – The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) has extended the deadline to March 21 for topics, speakers and advanced textile paper submissions for the IFAI Expo.
Topics and speakers
Organizers of the expo, slated for October 6-9 in Anaheim, Calif., are gathering presentation topic ideas and a list of interested speakers to refine its education lineup. Are you a skilled craftsman with a life's worth of techniques? Do you have an advanced textiles paper you would like to share? Do you know an efficiency expert or a time-management virtuoso?
IFAI is seeking people who can help fill out its programming slots, speaker engagements, on-floor demonstrations and more, including:
Advanced textiles paper presenters
Business programming experts
Specialty fabrics presenters
Selections will be made by a committee on April 7.
Submissions must be through the web forms on IFAIExpo.com, or use the direct links below.
Textile papers
Do you have an advanced textiles paper you would like to have recognized by the industry and presented during advanced textiles programming?
IFAI is seeking people whocan help complete its Advanced Textiles programming slots, speaker engagements, on-floor demonstrations and more, including:
Advanced textiles paper presenters
Advanced textile testing experts
Business speakers (issues facing innovative, growing companies)
Selections will be made by a committee on April 7. Submit your paper and presentation ideas and more via the web form on IFAIExpo.com.
Deadline extended for topics, speakers, papers