Posted March 7, 2016
CARY, N.C. – INDA and The Nonwovens Institute announced that the Nanofibers, Applications and Related Technologies (NART 2016) Conference will take place in Raleigh, N.C., this fall.
The groups also announced a call for papers from nanofiber experts and academia, with a deadline date for abstracts by April 11.
Featuring the latest findings in nanofiber materials, applications and trends, NART 2016 will take place Sept. 13 to 15, at the Marriott City Center in Raleigh, N.C., and will bring together experts from universities, research institutes and industry.
Last year’s conference was hosted by the Technical University of Liberec in Liberec, Czech Republic. INDA is the new co-organizer of the event with The Nonwovens Institute at North Carolina State University.
“This is great opportunity to bring academia, industry and government together to share ideas in the emerging and exciting areas enabled by new technologies,” said conference leader Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Ph.D., executive director of The Nonwovens Institute and the William A. Klopman Distinguished Professor of Materials in N.C. State University’s College of Textiles.
Pourdeyhimi also recently was named editor-in-chief of INDA’s Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics (JEFF).
“We are pleased to co-sponsor this event with The Nonwovens Institute on the cutting-edge topic of nanofibers that is particularly relevant to our industry members,” said Dave Rousse, INDA president. “Our involvement in this important event, along with Behnam’s editor-in-chief role on the JEFF Journal, demonstrates the increased collaboration between our industry and academia.”
NART 2016 will feature presentations on micro and nanofiber technology and trends; micro and nanofibers and related materials; and micro and nanofibers and other nanomaterials in products. The conference will include three days of plenary sessions, as well as poster displays and sponsor tabletops, and networking opportunities. A reception will be held the evening of Sept. 13.
Registration and hotel information will be available by mid-March on the NART website.
To submit a paper, email the abstract title, a brief summary of the presentation and contact information to: Behnam Pourdeyhimi here. All submissions will be reviewed by a selection committee that will make the final presentation selections.
Source: INDA
INDA, The Nonwovens Institute event
Nanofibers conference, call for papers announced