Posted February 10, 2015
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – The AATCC Foundation is offering a $2,000 scholarship to any child of corporate member employees of the American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists. The scholarship will be awarded annually to one high school senior who plans to major in a textile-related university program.
The following requirements apply to the Corporate Member Scholarship:
The student recipient must attend a college or university that has an AATCC student chapter.
A copy of a letter of acceptance from the college/university is required prior to finalizing the scholarship.
The scholarship recipient will receive a free one-year AATCC student membership.
The scholarship will be awarded for the freshman year only. Thereafter, the recipient may apply for other AATCC Foundation scholarships for which she/he may be eligible.
For more information and to apply for this scholarship, please click here. Applications are due to AATCC by March 31, 2015. Student applicants will be notified of selection by or before May 30, 2015.
AATCC Foundation, Inc. was established in 1997 and operates to further the charitable mission of the Association. The foundation promotes the science and knowledge of textile design, coloration, materials, processing and testing through research and education and seeks ways to develop and promote quality standards throughout the world.
AATCC Foundation offers new corporate member scholarship