Posted February 2, 2015
STONY BROOK, N.Y. – Applied DNA Sciences, Inc., a provider of DNA-based anti-counterfeiting technology and product authentication solutions, announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued the "Methods for Genotyping Mature Cotton Fibers and Textiles" patent #8,940,485 for the company's pimaTyping® authentication of extra long staple or pima cotton-based products.
This patent encompasses the identification of genetic differences among various Extra Long Staple ("ELS") cotton cultivars. Unlike APDN's fiberTyping® patent (US Pat. # 8,669,079) that identifies the genetic differences between two cotton species, G. barbadense and G. hirsutum, this new patent enables identification of minor genetic differences among various cultivars under the G. bardadense species. This patent makes it possible to distinguish U.S. Pima cotton from other ELS cottons grown around the world, such as Egyptian Giza cotton or Chinese Xinjiang ELS cotton.
"This patent is an important milestone for our company as well as the textile industry, because we have proven that we can extract DNA from samples of mature cotton fiber taken from a textile item, and verify its origin,” said Dr. Benjamin Liang, chief scientific officer, and inventor of the patent. “We are in the process of developing commercial testing kits, and in the future, will be able to provide authentication services on site. Given, the high resolution of this test, we offer customized assay development programs for pimaTyping, that is a complement but not a substitute for fiberTyping, which is already globally used to authenticate ELS products."
The portfolio of cotton authentication technologies will be important to growers, ginners, manufacturers, brands, retailers and governments. Using this new assay, suppliers can assure their "American Pima" labels, even when their products are manufactured off shore.
"This is valuable information for growers as well as manufacturers and consumers to know that a product labeled as ELS, can now be verified to its original source,” said Cannon Michael, president, Bowles Farming Company. “As a cotton grower, we pride ourselves on the quality, integrity of the Pima ELS fiber that is grown here in the San Joaquin Valley. More importantly, the future of cotton production is protected because products labeled as Pima ELS can be verified through DNA technology – now that's exciting.”
Dr. James Hayward, president and CEO of APDN said, "This is an extraordinarily valuable extension of our Intellectual Property portfolio. fiberTyping is in wide use to detect noncompliance with specifications when upland cotton is substituted for ELS. Now pimaTyping will allow us to identify source when non-American ELS is substituted for the American cultivar. Our portfolio allows us to diagnose supply chain problems in cotton with genotyping; we can then future-proof the supply chain with SigNature T marking as we have already demonstrated."
With SigNature T marking and authentication, suppliers of cotton to the U.S. military can prove their cotton is of American origin, in compliance with the Berry Amendment, which applies generally to textiles and apparel which gives preference to government suppliers who use American-grown cotton.
Source: Applied DNA Sciences
U.S. patent granted for Pima cotton authentication