Posted January 19, 2015
GREENSBORO, N.C. – MCS® AC, a new Burlington Labs technology, attracts moisture molecules (sweat, rain, humidity) going from a person's skin to the air, creating the experience of a lasting cool sensation. MCS AC can be applied to any of Burlington's Active lifestyle fabrics.
Burlington Lab's MCS AC proprietary technologies cool the body in warm conditions as moisture is absorbed from the skin's surface, reducing perceived temperatures by as much as several degrees, appealing to all active enthusiasts.
"We have the solutions you need to beat the heat while at work, rest or play," said Bill Dilanni, director Burlington Labs. "Burlington Labs applies MCS AC cooling technologies with different delivery systems. One way is a creative design element allowing you to fuse function with fashion or as a chemical finish that not only keeps you cooler but also moisturized."
A one-stop technology that absorbs, wicks, and cools, MCS AC is perfect for a morning run, hike through the trails, or evening yoga practice. Keeping the body cooler longer allows a person to perform at peak levels for a sustained period of time, resulting in maximum performance and endurance.
"Take MCS AC through your daily explorations, when you're outside, and when you're active, because wherever you go, we're out there with you," DiIanni said.
Source: Burlington Labs
Burlington Labs introduces a moisture control system technology