Posted January 28, 2016
MILAN – Erhardt+Leimer (E+L) said its booth at ITMA was very well attended every day, and most of its customers were well informed.
Almost 600 visit reports prove that the booth team was kept busy throughout the entire trade fair. At the start of the second week of the trade fair, on Sunday late afternoon, company representatives were in good spirits and thanked its customers with a standing ovation, E+L said.
Web guiding in bleaching steamers was the No. 1 topic for our customers from Pakistan. The company sold six systems to three of the most textile finishers. One of these customers ordered a new bleaching system, which will also be used with its web guiding system. Although most of these customers finish only woven fabrics, the increasing amount of Lycra fibers causes problems with the web run and creasing.
The new drop-stitch sensor in the BTA 2535 tube slitter also attracted a lot of attention. The ever-more complicated drop-stitch designs require increasingly intelligent solutions, such as the "Easy Teach Mode" of the FE 5204 sensor for unambiguous detection.
ITMA 2015
Erhardt+Leimer gives ITMA visitors standing ovation

Nearly 600 visit reports show that the E+L booth team was busy throughout the show.

E+L said its BTA 8013 cutting unit generally has payback times of less than three months in three-shift operation.

Nearly 600 visit reports show that the E+L booth team was busy throughout the show.
Its BTA 8013 cutting unit is an important partner for reducing edge waste. The intelligent design, which is virtually maintenance free and does not require readjustment of the blade contact pressure when replacing the blade, generally has payback times of less than three months in three-shift operation.
One customer, who weighed the cut waste of its old system and then made the change, reported a payback period of exactly 20 working days. This result was highlighted with sales of almost 1,300 systems since mid-2011.
The weft and stitch density measurement are also becoming increasingly important. Contactless detection by ELCOUNT via image analysis does not leave any run mark on delicate items. As a speed signal from the machine for image analysis is not needed, evaluation is far more precise. The system is ideally suited for textile laboratories and can be operated from a standard computer or a laptop.
Visitors were also highly interested in the new ELSTRAIGHT. Externally, the new design was an eye-catcher, while in the heart of the device, the new matrix cameras introduced this year also allow difficult textile weaves to be detected.
Source: Erhardt+Leimer