Posted January 18, 2016
MILAN – ITMA was for the German textile machinery producer BRÜCKNER in every respect a complete success, the company reported.
The new corporate design underlined perfectly the guiding idea of the exhibition to provide for more sustainability in the production processes of the textile value-added chain. The great number of visitors and the quality of the discussions by far exceeded expectations, the company said.
Many projects were discussed in detail and technological solutions were prepared with customers. During the eight days in Milan, BRÜCKNER closed deals in the double-digit million range, the company said.
The variety of the projects included machines for finishing of woven and knitted fabrics and coating lines for technical textiles and lines for the carpet industry. And there was a great interest for spare parts and the modernization of existing lines, the company said.
ITMA 2015
BRÜCKNER closes deals with sustainable technologies

The great number of visitors and the quality of the discussions by far exceeded expectations, BRÜCKNER said.

Regina BRÜCKNER, owner and CEO of the BRÜCKNER group

The great number of visitors and the quality of the discussions by far exceeded expectations, BRÜCKNER said.
There was a great interest for sustainable and energy-saving products. BRÜCKNER offered the new and efficient stenter concept POWER-FRAME ECOLINE in the field of coating technology. They presented the new application unit ECO-COAT, which has been developed particularly for minimum applications. This unit allows impregnations as well as applications on one and on both sides of the fabric. The minimum application quantities require in the drying processes less water evaporation, which has a positive effect on the energy requirement at the respective dryer.
Also the new software tool ECO-MATIC has been excellently received by customers. It supports the user and helps to question and check again and again the ongoing processes. The tool leads to a more efficient handling of the machine and the resources. The result of the optimizations shows in a significant savings in resources and cost. This software functions not only in new machines and leads to a better understanding of the relation between machine technology and finishing process by the users.
“Our customers have a true interest in sustainable products and know by now the benefits of life cycle considerations,” said Regina BRÜCKNER, owner and CEO of the BRÜCKNER group. “In most cases the investment in high-quality machines turns out to be profitable because the consumption of energy and spare parts as well as the maintenance over the lifetime of the product are clearly lower. The positive feedback by our customers show the success of our product development in sustainable, efficient and reliable machines. We will consequently follow this way also in future. Thus, we bank our future on Germany with its skilled labor as a location for industry. We ensure thereby that our lines ‘made in Germany’ satisfy the high expectances of our customers regarding quality and efficiency.”