Marshall Cooper Jr.
Posted January 12, 2017
HENDERSON, N.C. – Marshall Young Cooper Jr., who served many years as president and CEO of Harriet & Henderson Yarns, Inc. here, died Tuesday, January 10, 2017 after a battle with cancer.
Well known and respected in the U.S. textile industry, Cooper served actively with several textile associations and boards, including the American Yarn Spinners Association (AYSA) and the National Cotton Council of America (NCC).
“Marshall was one of the nice guys,” said Jim Chesnutt, chairman & CEO of National Spinning Co., Washington, N.C., who was hired by Cooper’s father Marshall Cooper Sr. at Harriett & Henderson in 1973. “He lived the industry and cherished the friends he established during his career. I am most grateful for the opportunity to have worked with him for my first 25 years in the industry. Marshall enabled me to prepare for new challenges as I left for National. I loved Marshall Cooper. It’s truly a loss of a very good friend.”
George Perkins Jr., chairman & CEO of Frontier Spinning Mills, Sanford, N.C., served with Cooper in several industry associations.
“Marshall was a good friend and excellent manufacturer,” Perkins said. “He ran his business with the utmost integrity. He will be missed and remembered as one of the best in the yarn industry.”
Harriett & Henderson was founded by the Cooper family in 1895 before closing in the early 2000s.
A funeral service will be held at the Church of the Holy Innocents, Episcopal on Sunday January 15th at 2:00 p.m. A private burial will follow. The family will receive visitors in the Great Hall of the church after the private burial.
Source: Staff and online reports
Marshall Cooper of H&H was one of the ‘nice guys’